Textile Sector |
Traditionally the extraction of the precious
long fibres from hemp stems was carried out directly on-farm. However,
those processes are labour intensive and too costly for inclusion
in modern agricultural systems. Gruppo Fibranova will implement modern
processing plants for treating raw materials. We will also consider
performing primary processing (hackling) on-farm in order to give
added value to the farmers.
The key activity of Gruppo Fibranova is de-gumming of the bast fibres
separated from core during hackling to obtain superior quality fibres.
Technologies used in this process have been studied to minimise environmental
impact and offer organic textile fibres.
Other Activities |
Among all the potential commercial destinations
of hemp fibre the textile industry offers the best guarantees for
stimulating hemp cultivation, and consequently the development of
supportive production chain. Gruppo Fibranova also promotes other
hemp fibre applications, e.g. paper pulp, building materials, bio-composites
and panels.
Modern industrial systems for utilising hemp as a raw material do
exist, yet Gruppo Fibranova will continue to study these systems and
find advanced solutions to keep them sustainable and efficient.